Hire Us to Efficiently Resolve Your Criminal Case
If you've been charged with a crime, don't settle for a plea bargain because your conviction could result in the loss of your job, a criminal record, and potential jail time. Make the right decision by hiring us to represent you and protect your rights.
From felonies to civil infractions trust John J. Homola to assist you when you're facing a criminal charge. We can help you irrespective of whether this is your first offense or if you have an extensive record. Call us
today to learn more. Count on Us to Get Your Case Well Represented
John J. Homola has an outstanding record helping people who are facing serious criminal charges. The attorney has extensive knowledge when it comes to criminal law. You can be sure to get the right guidance on your case.
Get the Results You Deserve with Our Experience
Be it felony, misdemeanor, or civil infraction, John J. Homola has an outstanding record assisting clients who have been charged with a criminal offense. Call us
today to learn more about our services.
Being armed with extensive experience and knowledge of the Michigan criminal justice system, we will help you make the right decisions on getting your case resolved.
Do not settle for a guilty plea. Being charged and convicted of a crime can lead to job loss, a criminal record and jail time. Let John J. Homola, and his staff, represent you and protect your rights. Call us
right away!
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